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LOCAL: (214) 694-7991
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Shown at $170.00


All prices shown in US dollars

Product Description

Remembrance.  Remembrance: A Crown with beautiful and elegant flowers.  Let's celebrate life of those family members, friends and those that pass away but will never be forgotten will be loved forever and live in our hearts and mind. Remembrance it is a great floral design for this occasion.  Crown with roses, lilies and some daisies, among other special flowers, Remembrance is the perfect gift in memory of your friends to say goodbye and tell them they live in your heart for ever, This flowers arrangement are great for church either for a funeral service, memorial or even sympathy. Call us today to place your order or place your order here on the website following the easy steps after clicking on the remembrance image, enter the message you want to send in the card with you gift flowers, enter date for delivery or for pick up and add it to the cart and the check out and then when you see the section call "shipping details" enter the recipient in formation in this section only the email for confirmation is yours, the seller. After that you will see the proccess is very easy to complete, we just recommend you to make sure you enter the correct billing address asociated to your credit card. Remember to send you flowers and show your condolences, your sympathy and love for family and friends in memory of those that pas away but never will be forgetten.

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Substitution Policy

When you order custom designs, they will be produced as closely as possible to the picture. Please remember that each design is custom made. No two arrangements are exactly alike and color and/or variety substitutions of flowers and containers may be necessary. Prices and availability of seasonal flowers may vary.

Our professional staff of floral designers are always eager to discuss any special design or product requests. Call us at the number above and we will be glad to assist you with a special request or a timed delivery.